Linux命令别名命令-alias | IT运维网
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Linux 基础 yvan 4年前 (2021-08-11) 5032次浏览 已收录 0个评论


格式:alias [-p] [name[=value] … ]    #不加任何参数为查看系统当前Shell进程所有命令别名


    直接执行命令配置命令别名即可:alias rdp=’rdesktop -u administrator -p 123456′

buntu@ubuntu-virtual-machine:~$ alias rdp='rdesktop -u administrator -p 123456'
ubuntu@ubuntu-virtual-machine:~$ rdp
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Failed to initialize NLA, do you have correct Kerberos TGT initialized ?
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Connection established using SSL.
Protocol(warning): process_pdu_logon(), Unhandled login infotype 1
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Failed to initialize NLA, do you have correct Kerberos TGT initialized ?
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Connection established using SSL.
Protocol(warning): process_pdu_logon(), Unhandled login infotype 1

2、永久生效:需在用户自己家目录下的配置文件(.bashrc)中配置命令别名;配置后重读下配置文件(source FileName)使之立即生效;

vim .bashrc


ubuntu@ubuntu-virtual-machine:~$ source .bashrc
ubuntu@ubuntu-virtual-machine:~$ rdp
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Failed to initialize NLA, do you have correct Kerberos TGT initialized ?
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Connection established using SSL.
Protocol(warning): process_pdu_logon(), Unhandled login infotype 1
Clipboard(error): xclip_handle_SelectionNotify(), unable to find a textual target to satisfy RDP clipboard text request
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Failed to initialize NLA, do you have correct Kerberos TGT initialized ?
Core(warning): Certificate received from server is NOT trusted by this system, an exception has been added by the user to trust this specific certificate.
Connection established using SSL.
Protocol(warning): process_pdu_logon(), Unhandled login infotype 1
Clipboard(error): xclip_handle_SelectionNotify(), unable to find a textual target to satisfy RDP clipboard text request


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